Programs We Support
Together we can give back with our time and service and begin to make a real difference in the lives of our veterans.

Deployed Units Care Packages
As a servicemember you would eventually go on a deployment with your unit outside of the country. Deployed unit care packages are designed to bring comfort to those who are deployed in a normal unit deployment, peacekeeping deployment, or combat deployment. Items sent to military personnel help uplift their spirits when receiving gift packages from home. It shows them that everyone cares about them being gone. The least we can do is send a little comfort from home. Items can consist of:
- Snacks
- Letter writing gear
- Toiletries items
- Foot care products
- Personal care items
- Fun games (deck of card, checkers, chess etc.)
- and other supplies

Backpack Giveaway
Backpack giveaway program is designed to give servicemember’s children a free backpack with all required items i.e., pencils, notebooks, notebook paper, crayons, rulers, erasers, glue, and other needed items to start the school year. This will help reduce the parent spending extra money when our foundation looks forward to donating school year backpacks to kids.

Youth Programs
Our foundation will support any youth program for example, afterschool programs where parents can’t pick up the kids right away, girls and boys club, Boys & Girl Scout programs, and advanced education programs designed for kids to excel in school.

Veteran Job Placement
We at Splitz Second Shooting Veteran Give Back Foundation can assist military members who are exiting their service to find a good job. We try to search for jobs that are lined up with what the service member did while in the service to help them adjust to transitioning to civilian workforce.

IWP (Inclement Weather Packs)
Our inclement weather backpack program is designed for veterans that are partially homeless and have nothing to keep comfort throughout the harsh weather turning points. At times will always find someone sleeping outside that can use a sleeping bag, tent, blanket, fresh socks, and other items to help keep them warm and dry while living in outdoor elements.

Elderly Companionship & Family Reunite
Our elderly companionship program is designed to bring family members together especially veterans that don’t get to see their family members due to being placed in elderly homes or being by themselves. Reuniting families with their loved ones and showing appreciation for those who paved the way for us as servicemembers is just one part of gratitude that we can give back. For example, any living World War II, Vietnam era, or any type of campaign elderly veteran that can stand a visit from a servicemember or their family.

As SZSS, veteran give back foundation, we take pride in seeing service members excel in graduate from programs other than military schools. The scholarship program will go towards young and older individuals that pursue continuing education. For example, if you have a kid in high school who has a 4.8 or 4.9 GPA, and they apply for scholarship within our foundation they more than likely will receive it based on their application process. If they meet all requirements and they are one of the top three candidates we will present them with a scholarship.

Emergency Assistance
Our emergency assistance program will help individual that dealt with disasters, families that on a break of homelessness and to help them get on their feet. Our services will give them a sense of pride and know that they’re not left behind as servicemembers. And that our foundation is there to assist.

Veteran Community Relations Events
Community relation events are things that take place within our community that we live in. Creating fundraising events given back to the community and showing community pride even when it’s not required. Small community events will bring people together especially veterans in need.